Gemstone education

Sodalite vs. Lapis Lazuli: Two Blue Beauties

Sodalite vs. Lapis Lazuli: Two Blue Beauties


Blue is my favorite color. Hands down. No contest. And the first blue stone I ever learned about in my rock nerd studies was Sodalite. It's just the right amount of blue - not too electric or flashy nor too pale or pastel. And then I started working with Lapis Lazuli and my mind was blown away again by the perfection of the shade of blue in this stone. Both stones are beloved for their striking colors and powerful metaphysical properties but they have distinct characterics that set them apart. 

How to choose between them? I don't know if it is possible. But let's talk about these two stones - their formation, metaphyiscal aspects, chakra and zodiac connections, historical uses, and maybe a couple of fun facts. Then you can decide which one you prefer. 

Formation & Physical Characteristics - the Science Stuff

Raw Sodalite Stone


Sodalite is a deep blue mineral that often features white veins or streaks. It forms in igneous rocks through the process of hydrothermal (hot water below the Earth's surface) activity. Sodalite is composed primarily of sodium aluminum silicate with chlorine, and it often occurs alongside minerals like calcite and nepheline. Sodalite is mined mainly in the United States (specifically in Arkansas - who knew?!?!) and Canada but was originally found in Greenland.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli stone

Lapis Lazuli is a metamorphic rock composed of multiple minerals, primarily lazurite, which gives it its rich blue color. It also contains calcite, pyrite (which can appear as gold flecks), and other minerals. Lapis Lazuli forms in limestone deposits via contact metamorphism. In other words, it is created when limestone is altered by heat and pressure of magma that is cooling near the limestone. Ancient mines of Lapis Lazuli are found in Afghanistan and there are other deposits mined in Chile, Siberia, Myanmar, and the United States.

Metaphysical Aspects/Chakras/Zodiac Signs

Now here is where you find a lot of similarities between the two stones. When researching to write this blog, it was hard to come by major differences when it comes to the more "woo-woo" side of things.


  • Clarity and Intuition: Known as the "Stone of Intuition," Sodalite enhances mental clarity and insight. It’s particularly useful for improving rational thought and objective analysis. Because of this, I prefer to call it the "Stone of Logic".
  • Emotional Balance: Sodalite is believed to calm the mind and alleviate fears, promoting emotional balance and self-esteem.
  • Chakra: Sodalite is primarily associated with the Throat Chakra, aiding in communication and self-expression. It can also stimulate the Third Eye Chakra, enhancing intuition and spiritual perception.
  • Zodiac: Sodalite resonates strongly with Sagittarius, promoting truth and understanding in this adventurous sign.

Lapis Lazuli

  • Spiritual Insight: Lapis Lazuli is revered as the "Stone of Wisdom" and is thought to enhance intellectual ability and stimulate the desire for knowledge.
  • Truth and Harmony: This stone fosters truth, self-awareness, and harmony in relationships, making it a powerful tool for emotional healing.
  • Chakra: Lapis Lazuli is connected to both the Throat Chakra and the Third Eye Chakra. It supports clear communication and deepens spiritual awareness.
  • Zodiac: Lapis Lazuli is often linked with Sagittarius as well, as well as Libra. It encourages honesty, fairness, and intellectual growth in these signs.

See what I mean? The differences are really small. In my opinion, Lapis Lazuli is a stronger stone in the metaphysical realm and connecting with spirit whereas Sodalite is a stone that is more grounded in being very clear and logical in your thinking.

Historical Info & Fun Facts

  • The name Sodalite comes from its high sodium content. Its name is derived from the combination of the words "sodium" and "lithos" which means stone in Greek.
  • Unlike Lapis Lazuli, there is no record of Sodalite being used by ancient civilizations because it wasn't discovered until 1811 in Greenland. It gained popularity after large deposits were found in Ontario, Canada in the late 19th century.
  • Sodalite has been called the "Poet's Stone" because it is believed to help individuals express themselves clearly and thus, making it a favorite among writers and artists.
  • The ancient Egyptians believed Lapis Lazuli could protect the wearer from evil and would use it as eyeshadow.
  • Egyptians also believed Lapis contained the soul of the gods and that it would help guide the soul to the afterlife. Therefore it was used in burial masks, most famously on King Tut's funnary mask.
  • Lapis Lazuli was ground it into a powder to create ultramarine, the most expensive and sought-after blue pigment used by artists during the Renaissance for painting the robes of the Virgin Mary and other significant figures. 
  • Color Differences: While both stones are blue, Sodalite typically has a darker, more uniform blue with white streaks, whereas Lapis Lazuli is known for its intense blue color often flecked with gold pyrite and streaked with white calcite.


Sodalite and Lapis Lazuli are both beautiful blue stones. They carry similar metaphysical and chakra attributes and both also align with the Sagittarius zodiac sign. However, Lapis Lazuli has a much longer history of use than Sodalite and is more commonly sought after for use in jewelry and decorative features.

So now that you have read all this, do you have a preference between Sodalite and Lapis Lazuli?  Personally, you can't go wrong with either so maybe have both!

You can find both of these stones in creations at JNJ. Simply use the search tool and check out all we have to offer with either of the stones. Below are just a few of our offerings with these stones.  



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